Day: April 9, 2022

22 295 – Rekordgetal vir ekspo

Die kykNET Buite-ekspo is vanjaar met ope arms deur besoekers ontvang wat uitgehonger is vir feeste, samesyn en vars lug – dis nou duidelik as ‘n mens kyk na die getal besoekers wat die afgelope ekspo geniet het.
Vanjaar se geleentheid op die Môreson-plaas buite Malmesbury, het 22 295 mense gelok.
Dit is die meeste besoekers wat dié ekspo nog geniet het.
Volgens organiseerder Marius Opperman van Trio Events, het hulle reeds Vrydag vermoed dat daar groot getalle mense gaan opdaag, want daar was aansienlik meer besoekers die Vrydag in vergelyking met ander jare.
Die ekspo het groot aftrek geniet onder besoekers en stalletjiehouers en het weer iets vir almal gebied.
Van die jongklomp wat gedans het op die ritme van Early B tot die kleinspan wat saam met Lollos en Lettie die litte geskud het.
“Na 2 jaar van geen groot geleenthede, bied ons die eerste groot geleentheid van 2022 in die Wes Kaap aan onder baie uitdagende omstandighede, veral met betrekking tot die Covid-19 protokol waaronder ons moet werk en lok die meeste mense nog ooit na enige van ons geleenthede toe,” vertel Opperman.
Nou beweeg die Trio-span aan na die volgende kykNET Buite-ekspo in Limpopo wat by die Sondela Natuurreservaat en Spa aangebied word van 24 tot 26 Junie.

Trio Events bedank al die borge, besoekers en stalletjiehouers vir hul getroue ondersteuning waarsonder die ekspo nie die hoogtes kan bereik wat dit nou doen nie.

Stokke swaai in hokkie

Hierdie groep seuns van Malmesbury het onlangs hul staal gewys toe hulle aan die Wes-Boland hokkieproewe op tuisbodem deelgeneem het.

Swartland clamps down on illegal dumping

“Illegal dumping is a serious issue all municipalities in South Africa are faced with. In fact, it is a global problem challenging authorities across the world and costing them millions of rands annually to address. The money spent on addressing illegal dumping can be put to much better use in the service of our communities and residents.”
This according to a spokesperson of the Swartland Municipality.
That is why Swartland Municipality is stepping up the fight against illegal dumping with increased law enforcement operations, the issuing of fines as well as the deployment of specially appointed EPWP teams to help clean our communities.
Executive Mayor, Harold Cleophas, recently visited problem areas in Ward 3 (Riebeek Wes) and Ward 12 (Riebeek Kasteel) as part of the Siyamamela (We Listen) project, to see and experience the problem first-hand.
Mayor Cleophas, accompanied by the Municipal Manager, Joggie Scholtz, the ward councilors and members of the Mayoral Committee and administration discussed possible causes and solutions to the dumping issues.
The neighbourhoods in question receive the same level of service as the rest of the municipality with weekly solid waste removal services and the issuing of garbage bags to indigent households.
To better understand the problem, the Executive Mayor and Municipal Manager has decided to investigate the matter and to constructively engage with communities where dumping is a problem, to better understand the issue and to deploy workable and economically sustainable solutions.
Law enforcement will also be deployed to patrol problem areas.
A successful operation in Riebeek Kasteel has already resulted in one person being fined for illegal dumping, while two additional fines were issued for illegal diversion of electricity from the main supply and an unauthorised connection of an electrical installation to supply mains.
Our Law Enforcement unit will work closely with the community to catch or track down individuals responsible for illegal dumping.
The Municipality has also deployed EPWP teams in every ward for the next eight months to help clean public spaces.
This will also be reinforced with an information campaign about illegal dumping to create awareness in our communities about the negative health and environment effects and financial costs of illegal dumping.
“Clean communities are essential for dignified living and the cooperation of every resident is essential. I call on every resident to help be our eyes and ears and to report illegal dumping immediately. Take photos and send it to the municipality. You can even report the perpetrators anonymously, but please do not just sit back and let it happen. Addressing illegal dumping successfully will allow us to have more funds available for other pressing service delivery needs in our communities.”, said Cleophas.
Residents who want to report illegal dumping can call the Swartland Municipality on 022 487 9400. They can also send an email and/or photos to Please provide as much detail of the perpetrators as possible.

Pinotage- en biltongfees: ‘n See van pers en wit wat wag

Kry jou pers en wit uitrusting bymekaar, kontak jou vriende en skaf die kaartjies aan vir vanjaar se Pinotage en Biltongfees by die Perdeberg Kelder tussen Durbanville en Perdeberg in April.

Datums and Tyd:
Saterdag 23 April en Sondag 24 April vanaf 11:00-16:00.

Agtien wynplase sal nagenoeg dertig verskillende wyne vir proe asook te koop aanbied.
Wyne val in ‘n hele aantal kategorieë, van die tradisionele Rooi Pinotage tot Rosè, Vonkelwyn, Port-styl, Jerepigo tot selfs ‘n Wit Pinotage.
Elke landgoed op die fees sale een wyn beskikbaar hê wat saam met ‘n spesifieke soort Biltong geproe sal word, aangebied deur Namaqualand Biltong.

Feesgangers sal dus die geleentheid hê om Pinotage te proe van Stellenbosch, Swartland, Breedekloof, Paarl, Worcester en Wellington, almal onder een reuse-tent opgeslaan buite in die kelder se parkeringarea!

Die deelnemende kelders tydens die fees is:
Badsberg Wynkelder, Bellevue Wyne, Beyerskloof Wyne, Boland Kelder, Diemersfontein Wyne, Doolhof Wynlandgoed, Doran Wingerde, Du Toitskloof Wyne, Groenland Wyne, Hill & Dale, Kanu Wyne, Koelenhof Wynkelder, Lanzerac Wynlandgoed, Leopard’s Leap Wyne, Mellasat Wingerde, Neethlingshof Landgoed, Overhex Wyne & Perdeberg Kelder.

Kitskos en restaurant-kos sal beskikbaar wees van Eat @ Perdeberg Restaurant wat allerlei lekker versnapperinge.

In Perdeberg se Chenin Blanc-saal (op die eerste vloer) kan besoekers die Oester- en Sushi-kroeg besoek, waar ook Cap Classique en bier te koop aangebied sal word!
Guy Feldman en sy orkes – genaamd Mista Guy and The Biltong Band – maak dit ‘n dag in die wynlande om te onthou.
Trek jou mees helder en vermaaklike pers-en-wit funkyste pers en wit uitrusting aan en staan sommer ‘n kans om ‘n lekker prys te wen as bes-geklede persoon by die fees.

Beskikbaar by Quicket teen R300 per persoon of BBP-kaartjies teen R550 per persoon.
Spesiale kaartjies is ook vir motorbestuurders wat nie alkohol sal nuttig nie, beskikbaar.
Hierdie gaste sal steeds al die verskillende soorte biltong kan geniet op die fees.

Algemene kaartjies sluit ingang na die fees-area in, sitplek, ‘n pragtige Pinotage & Biltong-kristalglas, 18 uitgesoekte Pinotage & Biltong samestellings wat vooraf deur ‘n paneel bepaal is en nog nagenoeg 30 ander wyne wat te proe en te koop sal wees.

Die BBP-kaartjie sluit die bogenoemde in plus privaat-geallokeerde sitplekke in ‘n area wat spesiaal vir dié groep uitgesit word, ‘n verwelkomingsdrankie, ligte kaasbord met aankoms, dienspersoneel, laatmiddag-koffie en ‘n soetigheid om die dag mee af te sluit.

Vir meer inligting, kontak Bjorn van Oort by +27 84 511-1806 gedurende kantoor-ure, of epos, of besoek

Mayor Cleophas breathes life into promises

In his inaugural speech, Executive Mayor Harold Cleophas promised to launch a program that will help clean problem areas in our towns and employ 120 people from across the Swartland region.
This EPWP (Extended Public Works Programme) has now been successfully launched with 106 of the 120 appoints already working. When the last of the vacancies have been filled, every ward will have 10 people who will assist the municipality with keeping our towns clean.
Funding for EPWP-projects is provided for annually by the National Government and allows municipalities to employ temporary staff to aid and support in service delivery.
The EPWP team will be employed for 8 months. The municipality provides every person with the necessary protective clothing and gear. Although this is temporary employment, it provides an income for unemployed residents, as well as an opportunity to gain valuable work experience, that could help in getting permanent employment later.
Mayor Cleophas visited and met with all the teams to thank them for their work and to ask them to help the Municipality create cleaner and safer environments for all our residents. He pressed upon every person how fortunate they are to have employment in the current economic climate and that it is up to every individual to use the opportunity and make the best of it.
Mayor Cleophas also asked that every person act as ambassador for the municipality and encourage communities to keep their neighbourhoods clean.
Swartland is struggling with the costs and impact of illegal dumping. The deployment of the EPWP teams will assist in cleaning problem spots. We do however need the teams to be the eyes and ears of the municipality to prevent and report illegal dumping so that the municipality can act swiftly against the perpetrators.
“The performance and success of these teams will be continuously monitored. It is up to every individual to make a success of this opportunity. We cannot and will not waste time or money with people who are unwilling to work.
“But for those who show willingness and dedication, opportunities for long term employment may be a real possibility”, the Mayor said.


Samoa maak skoonskip

Die rugbyspan van die Samoa-klub op Moorreesburg het die naweek teen die span van Hopefield kragte gemeet en met 50-5 koning gekraai.
Foto: Ghida Visser

Spelers spook sake uit vir rolbal

Daniël Griebenauw kon toe nie verder vorder in die WP Enkelspel-kompetisie, ná hy ongelukkig was om 18-21 te verloor.
Met die telling 18-17 skuif sy teenstaander die witbal met die laaste bal van die wedstryd om 4 skote op te tel.
Hierdie week word die klubkampioenskappe afgehandel.
Dinsdag speel die novices hulle halfeindstryde, wanneer Jeff Petersen en Ricardo Rickett mekaar die stryd aansê, asook Dawie Horn teen Jehan van Niekerk.
Die eindstryd is Woensdag (vandag) om 17:30.
In die mans-ope vind die kwarteindrondtes Donderdag pm 17:30 plaas.
Die laaste posisie word Dinsdag bepaal, met Daniël Griebenauw, Rainier van Zyl, Roux Vermeulen, Altus Myburgh, Paul Rossouw, Marius Huysamen en Brian Howell wat reeds gekwalifiseer het.
Daniël is die verdedigende kampioen, en soos die manne mekaar opdreun kan hy sterk aanslae verwag.
Saterdag 12:30 word die halfeindstryde beslis, met beide die mans en dames finaal om 15:00.
Die verdedigende kampioen Zelda Jordaan en June Rickett speel teen mekaar.
Toeskouers en belangstellendes is baie welkom.