Day: April 21, 2022

Veiligheid eerste

Die Weskus Distriksmunisipaliteit het die afgelope Paasnaweek ‘n geïntegreerde operasie gehou saam met die Weskus Rampbestuur, wetstoepassing, die honde-eenheid asook die Departement van Binnelandse Sake. ‘n Padblokkade is op die R27 gehou om motoriste bewus te maak van padveiligheid, veral oor Paasfees. Burgemeester Boffie Strydom en Wilhelm Markus, direkteur van korporatiewe dienste van die WKDM, het besoek afgelê by die padblokkade by die Ganzekraal-oord. Hier is die gebied gepatrolleer deur Swartland se wetstoepassers, honde-eenheid, die Weskus-brandweer, rampbestuur, Operasie Phakisa, asook die Vaxi Taxi, SAPD en die Weskus Departement van Sosiale Ontwikkeling. Foto: Ghida Visser

Romans Pizza Malmesbury turns 1

Skink Swartland: Weskus hier kom ons!

Proe van die beste wyne uit die Swartland-streek en geniet watertandlekker seekos op die oewer van die Bergrivier by die Laaiplek Hotel op Velddrif op Saterdag, 7 Mei 2022 vanaf 11:00 tot 17:00.
Dink snoek en patat, seekos-paella en vars harders gebraai oor die kole saam met die Swartland se uithaler wyne, teen die agtergrond van vissersbote en lewendige musiek. Daar sal ook iets te ete wees vir die vleisliefhebbers.
Deelnemende kelders sluit Org de Rac, Schenkfontein, Pulpit Rock, Swartland Wynkelder, Riebeek Valley Wine Co, Kloovenburg, City on a Hill, Intellego, AA Badenhorst Family Wines, The Sadie Family Wines, Lammershoek, Wightman & Sons, David & Nadia, Hofstraat Kelder en Leeuwenkuil Family Vineyards in. 
Ingesluit in jou kaartjie:
• ‘n Wynglas
• 3 etekaartjies wat ingehandig moet word by die kosstalletjies om jou tapas porsie-etes op te eis (2 x seekos en 1x vleisdis)
• Wyne te proe aangebied deur wynprodusente uit die Swartland-streek
• Lewendige musiek deur plaaslike musikant Louis van Lill
• Die Swartland-wyndistrik is een van die grootste wynstreke in Suid-Afrika en strek tot teen die Kaapse weskus en het die afgelope paar jaar internasionale bekendheid verwerf met die uitstekende wyne afkomstig vanuit die streek.
Bring jou vriende en kom kuier saam.
Slegs ‘n beperkte aantal kaartjies is beskikbaar vir hierdie geleentheid.
Kaartjies kan aanlyn deur Quicket aangekoop word. Ons sien uit na ‘n wonderlike dag teen die pragtige Weskus.
Hoop om jul daar te sien.

WEN: ‘n Gelukkige wenner kan 2 kaartjies ter waarde van R350 elk vir die geleentheid losslaan. Stuur ‘n WhatsApp-boodskap teen 29 April 2022 aan 061 555 0344
met jou naam, van en telefoonnommer om in aanmerking te kom vir die trekking.

Hulp vir buurtwagte

Le Minnie Attorneys op Malmesbury het onlangs na die plaaslike buurtwagte, Eagle Eye en Brotherhood, uitgereik en handby gesit met fondse, sodat hierdie groepe hul vrywillige werk kan voortsit. Hier is Ilza le Minnie, Delian van Schalkwyk, Jacques Griffiths, Abduraghman Allie en Chanté Hans.

PhD-student: Breingewasse stuit haar nie

Breingewasse op 14 en 17.
Operasie op operasie.
Uitdaging op uitdaging.
Niks kon haar keer nie en vandag pluk sy die vrugte van harde werk, uithouvermoë en die wil om die struikelblokke wat in haar pad was, te oorkom.
Dit is Amy Martin van Moorreesburg.
Die slimkop het onlangs haar doktorale graad in Antieke Studies aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch behaal.
Amy, wat op Durbanville grootgeword het, woon die afgelope twee jaar op Moorreesburg saam met haar pa, Barry Martin.
Sy het besluit om haarself hier te vestig, terwyl sy haar graad voltooi het.
Sy het in die vertaling van antieke Grieks gespesialiseer.
Volgens Amy was sy nog altyd deur die antieke Mediterreense wêreld gefassineer. Iets wat sy met haar pa deel.
“Ek het besluit om voluit te gaan, want akademici het my sin vir wees terug gegee,” vertel Amy.
Sy is op die ouderdom van 14 vir die eerste keer met ‘n gewas gediagnoseer.
Toe weer op 17.
Op 15-jarige ouderdom het sy epileptiese aanvalle begin kry.
Haar eerste breinoperasie was om die gewas te verwyder, die tweede om neuro-elektrodes op haar brein te plaas om die patrone te monitor en om so vas te stel waar die epileptiese episodes vandaan kom en die laaste was om die tweede gewas te verwyder, maar ook die deel van die brein wat die epilepsie veroorsaak het.
“Die tweede gewas het op presies dieselfde plek net terug gegroei,” vertel Amy.
Amy het besef dat iets met haar gesondheid skort toe sy skielik nie meer haar linker arm kon beweeg nie. Sy het ook agtergekom dat sy sleeptong praat.
“Alles het toe verander. Na die operasies was daar baie swelling op my brein. Ek het gesukkel om te konsentreer en kon vir ure aaneen slaap. Ek het gesukkel met my balans en moes fisioterapie ontvang.
“Ek was geweldig bang dat die gewasse sou terug groei en dat die epilepsie sou terugkom. So, ek het myself van openbare plekke geïsoleer. Ek het in klas gesukkel, want ek het baie pyn ervaar en my konsentrasie was nie reg nie.”
Volgens Amy het haar gesondheidstoestand haar aanvanklik baie negatief beïnvloed, maar toe sy haar studies op universiteit begin, het hierdie donker wolk ‘n silwer randjie gekry.
“Toe ek by die universiteit aangekom het, het dinge verander. Ek kon dit waaroor ek passievol is, studeer. My nuwe vriende was nie bewus van my mediese geskiedenis nie. Ek het gevoel soos ‘n splinternuwe mens wat ‘n nuwe bladsy omgeslaan het.”
Vir Amy is haar grootste droom om soveel as moontlik van die wêreld te sien.
“Ek is gefassineerd deur tale en kulture en om te reis sal my die geleentheid gee om weer myself te ontdek en om aan te beweeg van my vorige grense. Ek wil ook graag as ‘n persoon en ‘n akademici groei. Ek word daagliks inspireer deur die studente wat my geleer het hoe gelukkig ek is. Elkeen op sy of haar eie manier. Daar is altyd ander wat groter uitdagings in die gesig staar. Ek glimlag as ek dink aan hulle vooruitgang en suksesse.”
Volgens haar is dit belangrik dat jy nie moet toelaat dat jou uitdagings jou definieer nie.
“Ja, dit sal jou lewe beïnvloed en sal altyd deel van jou reis wees, maar sien dit as ‘n sterkpunt en nie ‘n swakpunt nie, want dit is ‘n daaglikse herinnering aan die krag van die mens se gees wat binne ons almal is.”

Moorreesburg: Inaugural Swartland Sosiaal breaks the mould of wine fests

An exciting new wine festival launches in the heart of the Swartland – arguably South Africa’s most dynamic wine region – on April 30.
Hosted in a town not known for its wine, the Swartland Sosiaal Wynfees breaks the mould in typical Swartland fashion with a showcase of famous and lesser-known wine treasures.
The event will be held at The Moorrees – home of hospitality, good food and great wine in Moorreesburg.
Participating wineries include Swartland superstars Mullineux & Leeu Family Wines, Leeuwenkuil Family Vineyards, Org de Rac Organic Wine Estate, Riebeek Wine Co, Pulpit Rock Wine and Marras Wines, as well as famous out-of-towners, MAN Wines, Lievland Vineyards, Mount Rozier Estate, Nico van Merwe Wines and Anthonij Rupert Wyne.
“We’re overjoyed at how this dream has come together with the support of the wineries,” says Swartland Sosiaal founder Carien Hugo Waring, who is well-known in wine circles for her involvement with many of the country’s top estates.
“Moorreesburg is not only at the heart of the Swartland wine region, but also a vestige of authentic farm and family-friendly hospitality. It’s this essence reflected in the name Swartland Sosiaal.”
Situated an easy 60-minute drive on the N7 highway from Cape Town, Moorreesburg makes a perfect place to spend the long weekend when Swartland Sosiaal takes place.
As a powerhouse of the wheat industry, the town itself has an understated charm. Its wide streets are lined with many historic buildings, while the location is ideal for exploring the region’s many attractions – on foot, by bike or by car.
For the run of Swartland Sosiaal, from 12:00 to 16:00, each stall of participating wineries will have six highlight wines available for sampling.
Food and all-day live entertainment will also be part of the mix, setting the tone in a marquee set up to create a spacious, safe and enjoyable experience.
Food delights on offer include homemade smoked and pulled brisket rolls with chunky fries as well as cheese-and-charcuterie platters. The organisers have also laid out two boules courts, where you and your mates can do battle in this traditional game native to almost every village across France.
Players almost always are armed with a glass of wine at every match.
Other offerings available for the run of the event is a park-and-ride shuttle service run by local Dirkie Uys High School, available at R50/car, and a childminder service, at R100 per child. Pizza for children using this facility may be pre-ordered for an additional fee.
Stay up to date with event notifications and follow Swartland Sosiaal on Facebook (, Instagram via @SwartlandSosiaal. Be sure to use #meetmeatmoorrees to join the conversation.
For more information, visit

Nuwe Die Kuierhijs open binnekort

‘n Splinternuwe moet-besoek-bestemming maak Maandag sy deure op Malmesbury oop in Piet Retiefstraat 26.
Die Kuierhijs is ‘n vars en nuwe toevoeging tot die Swartland se kulinêre-roete.
Toe Benita en Tonia hul sakevernuf saamgespan het, het die vonke van kreatiwiteit en passie behoorlik gespat.
Hierdie twee streef daarna om iets uniek na die gemeenskap te bring – iets vir Malmesbury, vanuit Malmesbury. Die duo streef daarna om die plaaslike talent te ondersteun en ten toon te stel. Geniet plattelandse gasvryheid, geurige koffie, heerlike disse, terwyl jy jouself bevind in ‘n prentjiemooi-vertrek, in ‘n huis met historiese klipmure.
Vir meer nostalgie kon jy nie vra nie.
Hier kan jy allerhande lekkertes kry in die moderne plaashuis-styl perseel waar konferensies, werkwinkels, kinderpartytjies, ooievaarstees, kombuistees en verjaarsdagpartytjies aangebied word. Die Kuierhijs is van Maandag tot Vrydag van 08:00 tot 17:00 oop en Saterdae vanaf 07:00 tot 14:00.
Volg hulle gerus op Instagram en Facebook of stuur ‘n epos na


Skougronde se toekoms steeds onseker

Thys Basson is verlede week tydens Agri Malmesbury se algemene jaarvergadering tot nog ‘n termyn as voorsitter verkies.
Dit is by hierdie vergadering dat die toekoms van die Malmesbury-skougronde bespreek is, na ‘n nuwe aanbod vir dié geskiedkundige stuk grond ontvang is.
Die individu wat belangstelling in die grond getoon het, het onlangs die gebied besoek, om self ondersoek in te stel.
Truter de Kock het gemeld dat die moontlikheid dat die skougronde nog vyf jaar op dieselfde plek sal wees, skraal is, aangesien die skoukomitee en ook die munisipaliteit teenkanting van huiseienaars van die aangrensende buurte ontvang hieroor.
Die toekoms van die skougronde is steeds onseker en ‘n spesiale komitee sal aangestel word om die verskillende moontlikhede en opsies te ondersoek.

April: Focus falls on serving with Lions

April is international Lions Awareness Month and in Malmesbury the Lions Club is an active member of this community.
But, where did it all start?

•In 1917, Chicago business leader Melvin Jones asked a simple and world-changing question “what if people made a commitment to improving their communities? More than a century later, Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world, with more than 1.4 million members in 48,000 clubs acting on the same simple idea when Lions come together for the good of humanity, there’s nothing we can’t achieve.

Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. More than 1.4 million members in over 48,000 clubs are serving in 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and they extend their service impact through the generous support of the Lions Clubs International Foundation. “We are focused on supporting vision, the environment, childhood cancer, hunger, diabetes and other pressing humanitarian needs to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit “

What do Lions do?
•Lions around the world serve by improving the health and well-being of others, strengthening their communities and protecting the vulnerable.
•”We help our global neighbors through the support of our Foundation, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). LCIF has awarded more than US$1.1 billion in grants to support Lions’ humanitarian projects. In 2020, LCIF donated millions of dollars in emergency grant funds during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to provide critical supplies and equipment to communities struggling with this health crisis.
•Internationally, we empower youth through our Peace Poster Contest, youth camps and exchanges, and the Lions Quest program that has helped provide positive life skills to over 16 million students.
•Last year, Lions helped more than 300 million people around the world through service, donations and advocacy work.

What do Lions do?
•Lions around the world serve by improving the health and well-being of others, strengthening their communities and protecting the vulnerable.
•We help our global neighbors through the support of our Foundation, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
LCIF has awarded more than US$1.1 billion in grants to support Lions’ humanitarian projects. In 2020, LCIF donated millions of dollars in emergency grant funds during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to provide critical supplies and equipment to communities struggling with this health crisis.
•Internationally, we empower youth through our Peace Poster Contest, youth camps and exchanges, and the Lions Quest program that has helped provide positive life skills to over 16 million students.
•Last year, Lions helped more than 300 million people around the world through service, donations and advocacy work.

Why should people be a Lion?
•When you become a Lion, you become part of a local club and a global network of volunteers working together to make a difference.
•A Lions club is a great place to develop your leadership skills and put them into action. Plus, you’ll get first-class training and great resources from our global organization.
•A Lions club is a group of people like you who’ve decided to take action and help others. Lions form unique friendships and meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.
•There is nothing quite like the feeling of making someone’s life better.

The start of Malmesbury Lions

The Lions Club of Malmesbury, which was established 12 years ago, is part of the biggest service organization of the world, called Lions Clubs International or only Lions International.
Lions International was established in chicago (usa) in 1917 by an insurance broker called melvin jones, who felt at that time that a person will never be able to move forward until he starts helping someone.
Today, we are nearly 1.4 million members around the world, spread over 200 plus countries and with around 47000 clubs.
The five main pillars of srvice ar hunger, sight, environment, childwood cancer and diabetes.
Our club is presently busy with assisting Jo Dolphin (a center for children with disability), Welgmeend School (a farm school 10kms outside Malmesbury), Goue Aar (a center for old people), Auntie Suzz (a lady who looks after street children from Wesbank), Net ’n Bietjie Liefde (a pre-primary school in Abbotsdale), Elkana Childcare Center, to name a few.
We would really like to to be able to assist more people in the community, but it is not easy as we have to raise funds ourselves, for the lack of sponsorship.
We hope with the Covid pandemic slowly dying down, that the economy might improve thus giving us the opportunity of approaching the local business fraternity for a possible sponsorship.